Crosstrac Sonoma

similar to this Parkpre Pro-Octane too.

Very nice, and a very clean build too.

I remember drooling over these in Mountain Bike Action and other rags bitd. Lovely seat tower, we're just now touching such diameter seat posts in Scott and LiteVille frames again.

New here.... I remember this bike and the ads in the mags. I thought it was awesome, and if I wasn't a poor college student then, I would have been able to scrape up the cash for it. I knew it was something special. So glad to see it again. Nice job on the pick up.
I ever have seen that bike in polish aluminum in Singapore in 1993. I didn't remember the rear shok ( it wasn't a fox, but a air spring system too)

It was the first full suspension Bike with so long travel of suspension (quite 4" front and rear). In 1993, downhill bikes were around 2" or 3" maximum :LOL: