

Gold Trader
Anyone had experience of buying things from people on Craiglist?
I guess paypal would be a more secure way of paying right?
jonrock":25vzy8vh said:
Anyone had experience of buying things from people on Craiglist?
I guess paypal would be a more secure way of paying right?

assuming that you're interest in something on US craigslist: the majority of craigslist sellers don't do paypal and don't want to ship. not within the US and even less internationally. craigslist is on the www but addresses more a local market. come with cash and take it home...
most assume that overseas buyers are all nigerian scammers and that any payment but cash is fraud. might be a bit over the top but you get the idea.

that said, it is possible to get a bike from craigslist even if you are out of the country but it very much depends on good communication and/or the help of buddies that are local to the seller. in almost all cases i have paid with cashiers checks or US money orders and the bike was shipped through their local bike shop.


I've had a 100% success rate (2 purchases) with craigslist folks. Bought 2 Fat Chances this year, one each from different folks in Colorado, (I'm in Houston!). First purchase:- We agreed on a price, the seller suggested using his local bike shop for payment. I called the shop, paid 'em, with my credit card, they shipped it to me. Dead easy. Second purchase: seller wanted to use paypal, still no problem. Both folks willing to ship to me no problems (one with fedex and the other UPS). What I have found in all this online purchasing experience is that the highest risk is with the a..holes at Fedex/UPS/USPS/DHL and the good ole Royal dipsh1t Mail. They just don't give a crap. Period. And I mean on both sides of the pond these b*rstards just don't care. Ask for loads of bubble wrap and a strong box from your seller!
believe me i work for the biggest catalogue company in the uk and if you have bought anything from this company you will be lucky to get it in one piece. the company takes agency staff on before christmas and half the people they take on could not give a s**t about any parcles that they handle. how does £10000 quids worth of parcles smashed in a week sound. i have seen someone throw an xbox 360 at least 20 feet! when they take these staff on they lose more money than they make.
im not sure paypal provide buyer protecion for anything except certain ebay sales. there system certainly used to be full f loopholes they could use to avoid paying out.
This is the item here...
Ive explained that Im in the UK which doesnt seem a problem.He said he'd
like cashier's check or money order so Ive now asked whether he'd take Paypal. Unfortunately as you've said in my experience alot of US people are kinda suspicious of people buying stuff from them overseas.
Whats a money order BTW? We have a system here where we transfer money to and from the sellers and buyers bank account.That requires them giving me their bank account number,sort code,bank,bank address and full name.Which I guess some people wont be happy to do?Can any of you US Retrobikers help me out some how?
jonrock":2yzbdj1v said:
This is the item here...
Ive explained that Im in the UK which doesnt seem a problem.He said he'd
like cashier's check or money order so Ive now asked whether he'd take Paypal. Unfortunately as you've said in my experience alot of US people are kinda suspicious of people buying stuff from them overseas.
Whats a money order BTW? We have a system here where we transfer money to and from the sellers and buyers bank account.That requires them giving me their bank account number,sort code,bank,bank address and full name.Which I guess some people wont be happy to do?Can any of you US Retrobikers help me out some how?

check with your bank regarding internal transfer fees as the rates can vary
a money order in the US is basically a check that wont bounce!. You (the buyer) have to pay the bank/post office the amount the money order is made out for. So basically it's a bank's check not yours, if you see what I mean.

But...what about an international money order? You buy it from your bank (in US dollars obviously, and the gits will of course stiff you on the conversion rate..but here's my take on that...the UK pound so sooo freeekin' strong right now against the dollar and in my personal opinion has peaked, who cares about a small fee for the privilege). Just ask the seller if his bank takes international money orders. Banks are far more numerous here in the US than the UK. Many small regional banks, particular to one state. We have international banks here obviously but many folks including myself use small regional banks (better customer service, more branches are my main reasons).

Or ask the seller to use paypal.