CQP Cranks


Retro Guru
Hey Chaps,

Does anyone know anything about these cranks? They appear to be tubular chromo and very lightweight..


i've got some, i wouldnt call them light weight. they use a different, much longer taper b.bracket
you can read a lot between the lines on the bikepro site too. .
Graftonshad the subbie machinists go psycho and produce toplones, and there was a renegade fraction at cook bros that went off to do CQP. Court order in the end put a stop to it. They did do some nice cranks though. I have a 181mm set that my legs aren't log enough for bit may make it on to a garage queen some time. Seem to be less snap-happy than graton generation 1 and 2, and less roundout prone than cooks CBR/RSR, but maybe thats just because we hear less about them. .
Proper retro bling though, certainly not lame taiwanede ripoff stuff.
scant":avmo79ic said:
i've got some, i wouldnt call them light weight. they use a different, much longer taper b.bracket

That might explain the rather weird bottom bracket configuration.. one side has a lock-ring, the other has some spacers... V strange..

I tried searching, but found no results on these puppies
scant":3ibjzn8e said:
i've got some, i wouldnt call them light weight. they use a different, much longer taper b.bracket

Scant, what do you know about the BB? It seems to have a weird lock ring on one side and a stack of washers on the drive side..
Copey":3r1glsx0 said:
scant":3r1glsx0 said:
i've got some, i wouldnt call them light weight. they use a different, much longer taper b.bracket

Scant, what do you know about the BB? It seems to have a weird lock ring on one side and a stack of washers on the drive side..

mine was seized in a san andreas & was a b'std to extract, the drive side died getting it out :(
it seems to be a variation on the grafton which is no real surprise. the washers seem to cure the old problem of when the crank receives a large side on impact <think crash!> & push the axle through the bearing, effectively ruining the chainline/ front shifting. my mate chris used to have that happen on his klein attitude fairly frequently BITD.
the washers stop the crank being pushed any closer to the BBracket under such impacts. I know i've got the remains of the BB somewhere... not entirely sure where.. :?
Copey":1kslx47d said:
scant":1kslx47d said:
i've got some, i wouldnt call them light weight. they use a different, much longer taper b.bracket

Scant, what do you know about the BB? It seems to have a weird lock ring on one side and a stack of washers on the drive side..

That BB was the standard set up used by Cooks at the time as well. Space one side using the washers to get the right chainline and then use locking collar on the other side with the added benefit of a bit more security as Scant said. My cooks one was a pain in arse to set up so I replaced the washers with a second lock collar. I think Rody had some collars on his site at some point if you wanted to swap the washers out.

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