Could be interesting for Shell, BP etc...

I'll stay where I am - too many drought warnings down south.

After The Cheviot, The Stag and The Black, Black Oil - Ye'll no get yer paws on oor watter :p
greenstiles":10nuupk3 said:
I used to work for an oil and mineral research company, the general concensus was that there was more oil than the oil companies said there was.

I hope this India thing is true and that things move forward for everyone.

I agree there is likely more oil than we are being told as being told it is scarce is a reason to keep prices high, but why must we rely on oil, because the oil cartels tell us, sure they would it is the source of their wealth and therein lies the problem with everything; money and with money comes power the power to control thought and there create a deficit of open mindedness.

Of the 'scientists' I have come into contact with, two pals, one a quantum physicist and the other a lab tech in a college, only the quantum physicist I can talk fringe science with as quantum physics requires an open mind and in the case of my pal, an almost child like open mind where anything and everything is possible until proven otherwise and even then there lies the possibility or error. The lab tech who goes around telling everyone he is a scientist but has great difficulty believing anything viable unless it is peer reviewed and his belief in god is not up for discussion, he I understand belongs to a different scientific mind set, one that needs to stay stuck in the past as we need open minded individuals to push us forward into a better future, a future hopefully where war is outlawed.
That's the problem what we have isn't perfect, well it isn't for the majority of us at least, but some are profitting and where there is the surety of profit why seek change.

The other thing of course like the cure for cancer, it involves too many industries to actually seek a cure, if a cure or in the case of energy something else is found to be viable, there ends a lot of business and it is with our existing economic environment industry just stopping whilst the transition is made to new technologies, perhaps this is too dangerous, so reliance on old truths and lies have to continue, as it works at least.

But it interests me the president of the USA where he said he wanted to rid America's dependance on Middle Eastern oil by creating a new technology, well, it seems he has been kicked into touch on that idea, just like our own mealy mouthed excuse for a leader has not implemented his fuel tax regulator that he went on so much about before he gained office.
So soon water is going to cost £1.40 a litre (mostly tax) and it will become very expesnive to drink and wash etc. :roll:

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