Could anyone Date this bike for me?


Dirt Disciple
As above really, all help greatfully received!

Mixture of 300LX, 200GS, and Biopace Oval chain rings!

Exage QR hubs, zoom stem (I have the original)

"U" brake And all original stickers including the QR warning labels!!!

How weird, I was only talking to an old friend about these last night and one pops up just like that..... :)

He has a minty one from BITD that still has the hairs on the tyres too ;)
-=Mint_sauce=-":372j16qq said:
typical! the only catalogue not there! :(

Is it something worth hanging on to or letting one of you lot get your mitts on!

There's plenty of GT experts on here so I'd suggest waiting on one of them replying, however from what little I do know I believe the U-Brake could be worth more than the bike ;)
I know brakes and things move on. (as does all technology)


The "u" brake was a fairly simple, equal pull design, unlike other brakes of a similar but side pull variety...

Why did we change?

It wasnt a pain to set up, worked well, and looked cool.

weight or something ?