Consumable supplies.


Senior Retro Guru
Where can get parts more cheaply that the local shops or chain reaction. I am thinking bits like cable inners and outers, noodles, pad, tubes and other consumables.

I saw a thread once from a seller not so long ago who was selling cable inners. I cannot find it now. Any one on here sells this stuff regularly.

Any help appreciated.
If you are on a strict budget, Wilkinsons do brake and gear cables for around a £1. The outers are internally sleeved and one rear brake cable has enough outer to do front and rear brakes.

They also do pads and noodles
If you want cheap tubes order a 20ft container full and add 2k shipping and 4.7% duty and you should be able to get em for 70p each cost. :LOL:
Keep an eye in the cycling press for one of those one day sales in your area. They usually take place in sports centres and the like. They are good for stuff like you are looking for.
They have 2 shops one in Barnsley and the promotions shop on the outskirts. They buy alot of end of line and bulk also some OE kit via someone not a million miles away in Doncaster who does some good value bikes on t'internet.... But the Barnsley shop is pretty normal prices

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