Complete bikes for sale around Norfolk?

I'd go with the advice to get to your local tip/recycling centre too.. if ours didn't already have deals with people who took all the bikes, I'd be paying regular visits ;)
Well, there's a place I know of, which recycle; timer, metals, microwaves, garden waste, glass etc. We were down there last week. Got rid of an old sofa. Was amazing fun breaking that bad boy out... Gotta love a sledge hammer.

Anyways, is that the sort of place you mean? It's on my bus route home so I can always check it out :)
Anywhere that people dump metal things I should think... and skips outside peoples houses have been known to produce some gems too...

I'm going to dump a proper old crapper of a bike soon, will see what's over the tip and see if I can have a word with the chaps over there, get my foot in the door - so to speak.
Is there a high likelyhood of finding something? I'll obviously be looking out for good names of bikes. And then try and cycle away on them ;)
I guess I'll have to check then :) Thanks for the help. Obviously, I'm still looking for a bike, so any other help is still mucho apreciated. I'll have a look down there Wednesday.