Colnago pista.


Dirt Disciple
A few more pics of a masterpiece. Understated, sophisticated and elegant. Ernesto made many flamboyant bicycles over the years, this is not one of them.


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That is wonderful, I only ride geared as I don't have the space for more than one bike at a time but I still can't shake the sheer beauty of a pista bike, nothing ancillary to to muddy the lines of the design
Yes, I agree. It's the purity that I think is lovely. I'll never ride this bike ( all my Colnagos are artwork now), and the few track bikes I have ridden basically scared me stiff.
I've just acquired some postcards showing track riders/bikes/velodromes C1904. Those guys were heroes I think, and that period I find fascinating. My Bodelet ( on another post) is probably my favourite bike at the moment, particularly when I look at the images of track cycling from that time.
Might be putting this up for sale - found something I want even more! ( there's always something isn't there) Offers please ( 3K +)
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Free bump. A bike built for the single goal of self propulsion but done with such humbleness. It's mechanically perfect
and visually lovely, and at the same time would not detract from the riders merits. It's when I see bikes like this it
reminds me why I am on this forum for hours upon hours, and not in a bike shop for hours upon hours ....