Colnago Master serial number identification

Rab Wilson

Retro Newbie
Hi, I'm trying to find out the build year of my 1st Generation Colnago Master. Bought as frame & forks at Bob Ross sale at Fenwick, Ayrshire, Scotland on Sunday 14th July, 2019. Built bike up to my own spec/needs.

Serial number is S497 - as seen on rear gear side dropout. Anyone know what year this frame would have been manufactured?? Many thanks!


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That looks more like a Super than a Master as they look like round tubes?
Masters started out I believe with 4 sided tubing & sloping fork crowns..??
Of course I maybe completely I’m sure there are more experienced Colnago experts on here....
Been out looking at frame again. Down Tube is Gilco Columbus four sided crimped tubing. Seat Tube is round. Top Tube is a kind of 'figure of eight' shape; crimp down centre line either side of tube. It has the Columbus decal at top of seat tube.


The Master first gen had all main tubes as Gilco, I know as I have one. Not sure about your frame - you need a 1980s Colnago expert, which I am not despite owning 2 super's and an Master.

In terms of your original question, my understanding is that Colnago never had a systematic serial number dataset, so impossible to read information about the frame from the 4 digit number. For what its worth my first gen Master has a 3 digit serial number 821.
Re: Re:

icrinson":2r1nls10 said:
Rab, Its difficult to see the frame from your photo, but the master had the unique Gilco 4-sided concave tubing. Certainly your fork is not a first Gen Master as this has a sloping crown with the Ace of Clubs panto. Have a look at this link to the 1985 catalogue, bottom right - ... 319a547_o/

Hi, thanks! Will post more photos of frame/bike tomorrow and see if we can solve this mystery!
A crimp either side of the top tube and 4 crimps in the down tube (rather than the concave of Gilco tubes) - it's likely to be a Nuovo Mexico. Having said that, I had an early Nuovo Mexico which had only 2 crimps in the down tube but had the same fork crown as your frame.
OK! Posting some more photos! Re ICRINSON's link to Colnago '85 catalogue; could it be a PROFIL frame?? Anyway, more pics to help indentify!