Colnago Master Piu

Ha, my apologies, wheeling and dealing, IS allowed! I can't believe someone would take something for free then auction it though. . . .mountain bikers!

I still think if someone is going to call you out on it then you can't really complain too much and if someone does then I still stand by what I said that your thread is pretty much "tainted"and a "genuine sale" is one that has a genuine reason, other than wanting to just make money.

Good luck with the sale though!
Final verdict. As moderator I do not see a problem with this what I believe is an incidentical sale. If this would happen over and over again with the same seller, I would not hesitate to act. Whether it is wise to put an on eBay acquired item directly up on Retrobike is another question and I think the answer can be found in how this thread evolved.
I know the previous owner of this bike and the bloke who sold it for him. Ironically, i offered him 600 for the frame and he said he preferred to get 'top money' for it... He'll have only got 450 after his fee's too.

Still, I do find it strange that on a buyers market like eBay you picked it up 500 then expect to get 850 for it? Why not offer it up for 600-650? or put it back on ebay at 850?
am I right in assuming then the frame was bought for £500 and the OP wants £850 for it in the for sale section here?

Hardly in the spirit of Retrobike then IMHO.....

Ok chaps, there has been plenty on price but can we stick to the "don't discuss price" principle for here on please.
Bottom line is it's a lovely frame and forks which would build up in to a stunning bike and it needs a new home. :cool: