cold sores


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i have not had one for ages but have a right hum dinger on my top lip at the minute. If you dont get them then you are very lucky - they are incredibly painfull, last around 2 weeks and you are consious of them the whole time.

i have tried zovirax and the usual remedies but they dont seem very effective. the best solution i have come up eith it to pick and bite at them untill bare flesh is exposed then attack with tcp/aftershave, depending if i am staying in or heading out! usually scab up really quick and seems to heal a bit better.

any less painfull remedies?
Zovirax and the like only stand a chance if you catch it early enough..

When the 'tingle' is felt (never felt it myself though so.. ho hum)..

Sporting one at the mo.. just a littlun.. first one for over 5 years..

Caused by stress, feeling 'down' and exposure to sunlight (or other sources of UV) - none of which applies to this one on my lip.... so there must be other causes :roll: ..

Incidentally, most kids catch them from their parents.. and my barber from long ago had one near his eye (looked like he'd been in a fight when it came out)..

Best thing in my experience is just to leave them be.. mine are usually done and dusted in about a week... 10 days max..
IDB1":cfs7jljg said:
Zovirax and the like only stand a chance if you catch it early enough..

When the 'tingle' is felt (never felt it myself though so.. ho hum)..

Sporting one at the mo.. just a littlun.. first one for over 5 years..

Caused by stress, feeling 'down' and exposure to sunlight (or other sources of UV) - none of which applies to this one on my lip.... so there must be other causes :roll: ..

Incidentally, most kids catch them from their parents.. and my barber from long ago had one near his eye (looked like he'd been in a fight when it came out)..

Best thing in my experience is just to leave them be.. mine are usually done and dusted in about a week... 10 days max..

Very true..i get them :cry: about twice a year..apparently it is the same/similar to a sex tran. disease {std}..and i have been "told" they reckon it lies in the spine.{please feel free to correct me on this}

Ernie ;)
ernie":14t6880m said:
Very true..i get them :cry: about twice a year..apparently it is the same/similar to a sex tran. disease {std}..and i have been "told" they reckon it lies in the spine.{please feel free to correct me on this}
It's a form of herpes, isn't it?
It's the herpes virus.. highly contagious at a certain point and can infect any point of contact..

Think it 'hides' in the nerve endings...

Pretty miffed that I have one at the moment... when I was REALLY stressed last year I lost weight and got nose bleeds.. now I'm pretty chilled I get a flipping monkey on me lip :evil:
yes thats true
hence why it can give someone herpes when doing certain things with someone :LOL:
so its to be avoided if you have a cold sore, same virus

to do with the spine? would that mean that its genetic also?
lewis1641":3djhfcif said:
any less painfull remedies?

Sudocreme. Put it on at night though otherwise it looks like you've still got toothpaste on your mouth.
I used to suffer them horrendously badly, and also Farmer's lip.

Carmex is the only product that worked for me successfully. And if you slap the stuff on, early enough, they don't even get a chance to form...

top bloody stuff, available in Boots... :cool: :cool: