Cleats for MKS (mxp 110) pedals


Dirt Disciple
Hi folks, first post here... just re-discovered mountain biking after i took my 96 saracen backtrax down from the roofspace to sell, pumped the tyres up, had a ride and fell in love again! Needless to say im now not selling and plan to ride this retro bike...

Anyway, i was running a set of MKS mxp-110 clipless pedals back in the day, but cannot find my shoes with the cleats. Would anyone have a set or know where i could get some? Really dont want to buy new pedals wheni have this set here.

Many thanks!
Welcome to Retrobike! Glad you decided to hang on to the bike rather than sell,

Not sure if these are the right ones, but I seem to remember something about MKS pedals not accepting shimano cleats or something....or it could be the other may round?

Hope this helps you get back on the bike, although I don't know that the seller has any in stock. If they're the right ones, maybe someone on here could help track some down for you?

Alternatively I'm sure someone here will have a used pair of shimano spds & cleats for sale if you wanted something a bit more standard.

Enjoy the bike again! :)
I had those gold MKS110 on my Orange bitd - went beautifully with the gold Pace chainrings - and yes, as far as I know I still have the cleats for them in my shoes - I can't remember changing them.

And no - I couldn't use them in Shimano pedals.

But..... I currently use VP on three bikes and Bontrager RE-1 on another - I think with the original MKS cleats. My cleats have E-C01 stamped on them if anyone knows what they are
Edit... I think they are VP cleats....

That said, I just got a pair of VP104 pedals - very similar to the MKS - for £5 on eBay.

Just wish I could remeber what I did with the original MKS pedals I had.....
Many thanks for the replies, i have spotted a set of XT spds and cleat for sale locally for £10 so i reckon that might be less hassle! Will probably throw the mks ones up for sale then.