Cleaning cloth tape


Retro Guru
I'm getting ready to fit some cloth tape in yellow but whenever I've used it before it seems to have a habit of getting very mucky. Basically I want to know if/how I can clean it or even better, stop it getting dirty.
We usually swapped our bar tape several times a year when it got too mucky to bear...... Cleaning usually meant sponging with soapy water but being careful to use the sponge down the tape and not rolling the edges.

Stringy backed mitts helped with keeping it clean but usually a losing battle. There's always the option of covering it with cling-film but it then gets a bit slippery.

Or wrap in dark brown / black :)

Quick check on the old kit I have left. You could re-tape the bars for 78pence using Advance Herringbone or a bit more if you wanted Tressostar.........

You could use shellac, or a synthetic equivalent? It does darken/change the colour a bit though.
78p may be cheap but it's an awful lot of hassle to redo it every other month :LOL:

I was thinking of using some sort of industrial selotape but shellac sounds interesting. Any more info? Tried google but only seem to find nail polish.

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