Claud Butler Milano rescued....


Retro Guru
Well despite banning myself from buying more bikes I couldn't resist rescuing another going cheap on marketplace 🤦

This will be my first go on a Campagnolo equipped bike. I wonder what I will make of their entry level gears? Both to ride and to work on?!

All it needs at first glance (apart from a bloomin' good wash to clear off a film of dust and dirt) are some brake blocks and a good service/tweaking 😁

I bet I find some unexpected gremlins when I delve more deeply lol


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A bit of research suggests this is a 2003 or later model. The saddle looks like it is dated 2002 and the crank arms appear to suggest they were manufactured in late 2004. So perhaps it is a 2005 bike?
Anyway it didn't take long yesterday to give it a once over and enough refurbishment to take it out for a test ride later today.


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The test ride was a great success. Everything works so now I know it is worth a proper clean and set up.

First job, as it is a bit stretched out for me/my belly, was at lunchtime today when I swapped the stem for a slightly "angled up" stem I had lying about.

Next job is to replace the front inner tube. It popped when left out in strong direct sunlight today. I was sat at my computer working when I heard it go, a little bit irritating but better to happen then than 20 miles into a ride 😁
Now ready for a first proper ride tonight. Do I win a prize for the most offensive bar tape? 😁


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Anyone know the seatpost size fir this bike as some scrotum stole my seatpost and saddle whilst it was locked up at the station today. Grrrrrr

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