Claud Butler-Holdsworth frame numbers 1959-1976

One more thing the Brooks sadle i bought direct from Holdsworth in Putney at the time of the CB purchase and underneath on the chrome tray is the year 76 stamped .


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Claud Butler 61: "Enclosed is a photo confirming my Original Spanish Gold and black downtube"

The pic of Velox downtube does not seem to have come through. Perhaps "my bad"? Great to have 71167 serial pic . Any other pics of Velox?

Beautiful Coureur!

Claud Butler 61,

In light of your Velox 71167 I've been PM'g with Peachy re a tweak of the prediction table. Revision should be available shortly.

Wonder if you'd be OK if I included some of your pics on my Flickr account where been recording 59-76 serial data.

Hi again ClaudButler61,

To follow up on one of Peachy's questions or... maybe I missed your response and if so I apologize:
Re Velox S #71167 - do you remember if it was a bike in stock at Putney shop or perhaps ordered from factory? Do you perhaps remember when in relation to Easter it was actually ordered and/or purchased - ie week(s) before or after? Its been quite a few decades, but if you perhaps have some recollection might be helpful in fine tuning prediction.
