Classic Whitcomb?


Dirt Disciple

I've seen this on a Facebook page locally. There's no parts on it that are genuine or quality as I can see, but as a frame it looks quite nice.
A little large for, me but can anyone identify it any further? There is the faded Mark of and old Whitcomb sticker on the frame but nothing else.
Whitcombe or Witcomb?
These are two different builders. Whitcombe was Liverpool area IIRC, Witcomb was Deptford and also expanded into the USA, teaching people such as Chris Chance to build frames.

Nice lugs ... you might have similar suspicions, but the forks look much later than the frame
:D No E no H!

Looks rather nice, I also suspect that the fork is non-original. Beautiful lugwork and shot-in stays too. :cool:

See here for frame numbers etc. ... tcomb.html

I don't know what lacquer they used, but it seems to attack the decals with time. Mine is the same...looks also to be an identical paint colour?
I'm pretty new too aging and identifying frames. It's hit and miss with me!
I know when a frame looks nice and when there is some quality work.
But passed a bit of go ogling I still need to learn a lot!

It's a mix match of things, only the frame is of any interest really.
I think he wants too much at the moment.
I'll send him an offer!

Out of interest what would your suggestions for an offer be?
IIRC I paid around £55 for mine, frame and forks.

Now for yours:
++ nicer frame lugwork etc
-- original fork missing

I wouldn't pay more than £100 for the lot, and probably more like £70.

nice frame, it has a bit of the R O Harrison's ( Lyta ? ) about it, has it any serial numbers on the bottom bracket, can you find out.
He wanted 100, I was struggling to justify that.
I messaged him and he said he's been advised to accept no less than 200!

I told him 100 was more than I thought I should pay. 200 wasn't happening.

Guess I'll leave that one at that.