I was under the impression I'd need two - but my SID guru should be about in the morning.
Do you have a photo of one please?
Are they from the same resin as the stem caps?
And a price please?
I'll take 2x 1 1/8" Stem caps please, plus I'm after a special job aswell if you're able to do one-offs, let me know and I'll PM requirements if possible
Any chance OP could make some rubberised gaskets, like the green ones that fit inside these 31.8mm seat post collars ? It's still possible to get the collars but the gaskets seem hard to find. Would be cool to have a back up source.
Ok Mojo Ti, if I send my original to you shipping tracked to use as the template, will you send me a free one and my original back ? Il cover cost of tracked shipping back to me
Hopefully then these will always be available to Fat owners here and on Fatcogs. DKG who make the clamps don't have any rubber gaskets or know who made them btw.