
greg l

Retro Newbie
Hello everyone
This is my first time here. It's an interesting site and quite informative.
I have a Cinelli that I purchased new in 1970. It's in terrific shape and I reluctantly
will be selling it...I'm moving into a smaller place and there's not enough room.
I've tried to see how to attach a photo or photos but I can't find the way to do so.
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
Hey Greg

Best way for the pictures, is to upload them on a Hosting website (Photobucket, FlickR, Picasa, etc.) then paste the URL of the picture.
More info are appreciated, especially if the frame is a 55cm ;)
Hi "gattonero"
I tried to send you an answer a couple of days ago but it didn't seem to go through.
If you want to see the photos of my Cinelli, I'll attach them in an email.
Send me a a note at
Sorry for the trouble.

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