Just got back from a blast with Jango and Rekiborter, thanks guys for a brilliant session, I really enjoyed myself :D

Sorry for being so unfit :oops: :oops: :oops: I WILL get better, that's a promise :wink:

Damage = one smashed toeclip: ....flip::::"bugger":::::flip::::"bugger":::Tree across the path :shock: :::::STAMP <snap>::::Ooops :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Neil, glad you enjoyed yourself.

as for the toe clip........get those SPDs fitted sharpish, you wont regret it!

See you next week.
Had a blast :!: thanks guys, see you next week

➡️ New tyres already on the way, those IRC Mythos XC are really awful
Thurs 15th

Will tomorrow night be the biggest turnout yet for a Thursday night at Chicky?

Neill/MrK/Billinjah - you riding?
Re: Thurs 15th

MadCowKev":3o12qv75 said:
Will tomorrow night be the biggest turnout yet for a Thursday night at Chicky?

Neill/MrK/Billinjah - you riding?

Drapoon is talking about coming over too....I might go if I can put up with the embarrassment of being The Slow Dude again :oops: :oops: :oops:
Might be able to make it, depends what time my meeting ends. After riding for the first time at chicksands on Monday (big thanks to Jango for being the guide) looking forward to getting back there. I am planing on being with you guys on Thusday next week. Unless I go to the chelsea flowers show.