Charlie REDUCED ,OFFERS!!OFFERS!! consolidated!

hi, sorry for delay. kids needed me for mario kart :D

£5 great, either colour as long as not the same shade of rusty brown i have at the moment
V brakes Black Avid SD 3, virtually new, £5

Silver Avid SD 7 very good condition £6

Interested in these, is the SD7 front or rear if it is front, I will take any other sliver V brake you have of semi decent quality.

If not I might take the SD3,

Thanks Jamie
Hi, what size is the gt top? I sold some cycle tops on here re entry and each went for £10 posted only sadly (maybe people don't like konas).

If the top fits me, would you do it for £10 posted? Failing that, are you after any trades?


hi ya Ian, first dibs goes to Martin, I paid £15 for the top and havent worn it yet either, and now getting out of the GT game, well apart from the junkyard dog hack that is, will be brining it to cannock on the 12th if your going