Chain Suck Damage - Before Purchase Pics


Dirt Disciple
How many of you specifically ask to see pics of the drive side chain stay on a bike you are interested in or planning to purchase? If I can't see this critical area in the pics than I specifically ask and if I don't get pics back then the bike stays on the 'shelf'. And I've walked away from a few because of this. Am I alone, how many of you risk continuing with the purchase without pics of this area?
mmm difficult one if a frame has been used it will have a few marks in this area but if the seller wont show pics it must be deeply gouged. For me unless a frame is brand new or the damage is really really bad i wouldnt let it put me off a frame in the slightest.
now would you concider this too much "wear and tear" in that area??--just curious--something that kinda scares me is an old bike with the original BB in it still, tho i have bought a few that way and had no problems


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