Carradice Camper Long Flap & Brooks B17 Champion Sprinter.


Old School Hero
I can email you more photos on request.
Saddlebag is a dark olive green colour. I re-proofed it with mink-oil so should be fully waterproof. Lovely item, used but plenty of life to give. All straps and buckles funtion perfectly.
Saddle was given to me but it is just too narrow. Looks like a 1960's model. Chromed rails all shiny, plenty of tension left in the nose bolt. Leather could do with some Proofide for some nourishment. Prices are posted to UK. Paypal Gift please. Cheers, Ben.
Carradice - £40
Brooks - £25


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Just waiting on Mus and Matt to get back to me, have sent them photos....2nd dibs if you like? (Is that how this forum works btw? Dibsing stuff or first one to offer the hard cash??? I am new to forums.
While i am on.... The Brooks is a 'Narrow' edition B17 Sprinter. And is 11cm across the widest point. Not as broad as a 'standard' B17. Angled towards the racing end of the market i guess, - (Although it feels more weighty than a full modern carbon frame!)

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