Car insurance renewal... Every year's story.

ridiculous insurance is the main reason i drive a 'classic' which by now includes cars from the early 90s
Chopper1192":2e8597pe said:
My brand new car is only £110 fully comp.

One of the advantages of myself being a classic!

As am I, but unfortunately living in a crap area the insurance is still painful. Plus the lack of no claims due to a break from driving...all in all, it's a joke.
I never pay less than £1,000 :?

Worse was when I was running 2 'hot hatches' a few years back...£4,000 per year :evil:
Rarely have a problem with mine. Last few years I have paid £350 fully comp to insure my modified Audi A4 with business use, agreed valuation and like for like replacement of aftermarket parts.

Few years back when I was running my Escort RS Turbo as a daily I got a letter from Priviledge "We guarantee to beat your renewal quote" Thought I would ring them and their quote was £4,600 with an excess of £1,200. The nice lady was certain that I would not get a lower quote. The phone went very quiet when I told her my renewal was £295 :LOL:

Cheap insurance does not make good insurance. Check the policy you are getting covers you and the items you need. And from personal experience of having major rows after collisions (friends and family) avoid the Admiral group of insurers (Admiral, Bell, Elephant, Diamond) like you would dipping your delicate gentlemans veg smeared in gravy into a pond full of very hungry pirhana. :evil:
Sep '96 17years old, insurance in my name on a Mini 1000

Summer '99 17years old, younger brother insurance in his name, same address Mini 1000 clubman

Summer '02 17years old, youngest brother (quote to compare in his name), same address Mini 1000
Nearly £1300/yr

In 6 years, at the same address for the same 17 year old driver premiums had increased by 430%

I wonder what it would be today!?
Easy_Rider":3iej6z51 said:
Sep '96 17years old, insurance in my name on a Mini 1000

Summer '99 17years old, younger brother insurance in his name, same address Mini 1000 clubman

Summer '02 17years old, youngest brother (quote to compare in his name), same address Mini 1000
Nearly £1300/yr

In 6 years, at the same address for the same 17 year old driver premiums had increased by 430%

I wonder what it would be today!?
It's a funny thing, really, but I used to have no sympathy for people who drive without insurance.

Yet you see stats like that, and it does highlight something. When young people today, face such high prices for insurance, and the penalties are relatively light, it's really no wonder that many opt out, so to speak.

I get that it's not a right - expecting to be able to own a car and drive one on the road - and it is entirely optional, and not having the means shouldn't be an excuse for not bothering with insurance - but all the same, looking at it over the years, I can certainly see why some see it as a scam.

Sure, it's largely down to actuarial risk calculations, higher amount of claims and litigation, perhaps getting burnt because they're as much about investment banking, now, than merely large scale gambling regarding their calculated "risk".

Wanton and rampant speculation on the market, and the market curing all ills, can't go unfettered, with something that is mandated on use, I feel.

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