Cantilevers onto a V brake Era bike.


Retro Guru
Tried to keep the title as simple as possible on this one.

I've recently brought a 98/ Ahead /1 1/8/ firmly V Brake era bike.

I've got cantis, I don't want to go into a V Brake debate.

Where should I position the canti hanger? Other than a 1 1/8 hanger any recommendations of what I should look for?

Ideally I'll source one via wanted adds but would look to hunt down on Fleabay or buy new if needed?
The rear hanger can present more of a problem.

The brake bridge is often too close to the bosses, and might not be strong enough if it's just an8mm hole through a thin tube.

You can usually hang something off the seat collar clamp bolt, in the middle of you have space or one end if you don't.

Sometimes you can run a length of "v brake noodle" from the rear toptube cable stop back to the seat tube, attached to the clamp somehow.
You'll need to put the straddle over the rack fixing if that's attached to the fork crown - unless you use a strap with a slot in it and can get enough travel under it.
It's often a bit awkward if you mount anything central with cantis.2 things trying to occupy the same space.

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