I have never, ever liked setting up standard canti brake pads. For me, it is the one bike maintenance task that I really, really do not like and almost dread having to do. I think it's the combination of different adjustment options (up/down, in/out, pad alignment to the rim, toe in, post alignment to the rim...) that all need to be done "together", while holding the pad in the right place and tightening in such a way so that it doesn't move while tightening. If only adjusment needs making, then that's easy but another one will go out of line.... I just find it a constant battle to get the things set correctly, and both sides equal. "bolt" type (as in, road or V brake style), are not a problem.
So, what tips, tricks, advice, help do you have for gettting these set as easily as possible?
So, what tips, tricks, advice, help do you have for gettting these set as easily as possible?