I bought this for my son who is 9 but it is a bit on the large size for him. Sadly not enough room to keep this and the bike that replaces it.
The bike works OK. Front fork (coil) works but could do with new strip bearings, as they are notchy. Rear shock is fine. Gears work fine. Rear wheel is different to the one fitted.
Disc/V frame. V only fork.
I can throw in a blue air fatty shock disc only fork, which seems to hold air, though will probably need a service.
£100 for a quick sale collected from SK22 (30 mins from Manchester and Sheffield)
The bike works OK. Front fork (coil) works but could do with new strip bearings, as they are notchy. Rear shock is fine. Gears work fine. Rear wheel is different to the one fitted.
Disc/V frame. V only fork.
I can throw in a blue air fatty shock disc only fork, which seems to hold air, though will probably need a service.
£100 for a quick sale collected from SK22 (30 mins from Manchester and Sheffield)