Can we?


I've fired something far more effective. Sadly, in a controlled environment :roll:
Re: Re:

al":37ja2wq7 said:
Is life simple.. simple life is... life is simple.
Unless we make it complicated.


Having read the thread in its entirety i can confirm none of it makes any sense whatsoever.
EggyBum6969":ucg04mpw said:
ken the trolls pal none of there post do ya ken

I don't know any Ken, and he's certainly no pal of mine.

"None of there post do ken" ....Nope, youve got me there :?
Re: Re:

dyna-ti":1uwkc9b7 said:
al":1uwkc9b7 said:
Is life simple.. simple life is... life is simple.
Unless we make it complicated.


Having read the thread in its entirety i can confirm none of it makes any sense whatsoever.

Since when have any of my posts ever made any sense?

Answers on a post card to...

The big al doesn't make any sense in his posts competition
The house full of bike tat

legrandefromage":2vs4vcw4 said:
bill posters will be prosecuted.

Who's this Bill Posters and what's he done?

ouch my head sorry was halloween was a bit smashed :shock: i used to live in dundee i would have thought
some1 from glazgie would understand what do u ken means