Can we?

legrandefromage":37296q8s said:
OK, run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it
I'm pretty sure a certain Mr Roth used that as lyrics in one of his songs, and despite Mr Lamarr describing him as a "rock knobhead", I'd like to think it automatically exempts that phrase from being lambasted.

Or not.

Why don't you like the words?

A top of the range bike is an actual thing.
What else would you say for a bike placed at the top of it's range of bike that year.

An Explosif and a Hot are the top of the range of Kona bikes.

Don't get you on that one.
Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":26higu2e said:
Why do you like the words?

A top of the range bike is an actual thing.
What else would you say for a bike placed at the top of it's range of bike that year.

An Explosif and a Hot are the top of the range of Kona bikes.

Don't get you on that one.

There's nothing to get... I don't like it.

Sometimes life is just that simple.

al. :D

Is life simple.. simple life is... life is simple.

Unless we make it complicated.


Other people try to make mine complicated. I fight it all the time.
Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":1eedhtfa said:
Other people try to make mine complicated. I fight it all the time.

May I suggest I high powered rifle, worked for me.
