Can vegetarians get gout!


Gold Trader
OMG I'm in so much pain the last few days....damn big toe joint is swollen and very sensitive...could be gout?
Of course anyone can get it but it is has the urban myth of being linked to rich fatty food...a real epicurean complaint.....I've been a flipping veggy for 25+ years!
Mmmm...maybe wine has something to do with it? :oops: :LOL:
Veggies can indeed get gout, although generally there's a much lower chance - 'tis all to do with purines:

A moderate amount of purine is also contained in beef, pork, poultry, fish and seafood, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, oatmeal, wheat bran, wheat germ, and hawthorn.[4]

Higher levels of meat and seafood consumption are associated with an increased risk of gout, whereas a higher level of consumption of dairy products is associated with a decreased risk. Moderate intake of purine-rich vegetables or protein is not associated with an increased risk of gout.[5]

But then, this is a bit of a disputed area.
My brother in law gets it from eating soft fruit...
I get it, I think , from brazil nuts.
Lentils can cause it, as can Asparagus.
It would appear that anything that is good for your heart is bad for gout!
My doctor advised me to only drink white wine when I got it a few weeks back. That didn't last long...
But I haven't had a return of the gout, thank God!
You have my sympathy, Carl. I've only ever been in worse pain once; that was due to hiccups the day after my heart bypass. :shock: :shock:
Sure it isn't arthritic pain?

I suffered badly from this as a youth and found staying clear of acidic food and drink helped.

Have you binged out on any particular food lately? A bloke down the allotment was in agony through gout due to scoffing too many strawberries.
Hopefully :twisted: :LOL: :LOL:

If nuts are a cause then yes i expect they could cause gout in veggies.Although i dont know if the other vitamins they take counteract this :?

I've a mate that suffers periodically from gout,he piles down the nuts so i wonder if thats the cause.Also has a heart condition so maybe the diet from that is also making him prone :?
al":1dw2tgjk said:
Sure it isn't arthritic pain?

I suffered badly from this as a youth and found staying clear of acidic food and drink helped.

al. could be foot is very swollen now and bleeping painful.
I had better go to the doctors tomorrow.
I haven't binged on anything apart from salad....surely rocket and lollo rosso can't give you gout :LOL: Couscous, risotto, pasta...that's my normal intake.

And a small glass of wine now and again. :roll: