Can anyone recommend a good frame builder/repairer


Dirt Disciple
Sadly my classic '92 kilauea cracked whilst out on Sunday. To my untrained eye it looks like there has been some internal rusting that has contributed to it.

The bike has huge sentimental value to me so I'm keen to see if it's financially viable to repair it. But don't really know where to start. So can anyone recommend a trusted frame repairer? Located near Hertfordshire would be ideal, but I'm open to other ideas.

Also thoughts on whether this is more trouble than its worth also welcomed!

Original thread: - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=281490&start=10

Pictures follow:


A bit closer up it's all rather obvious.



I'd be amazed if repairing this wasn't more expensive than finding a new frame. Anything more than adding braze-ons to a fork is +£100 from what my research showed (I was looking at having the trail on a fork changed.)

Also, can anything be done about a crack so close to a tube junction? Googles... Bob Jackson can replace whole tubes on some steel bikes:

...But that looks like being a £200+ bill allowing for a courier, if they can do the work. And what if the other tubes are rusty?
Oof. Thanks for that.

I didn't have any frame of reference (no pun intended!) for repair work. I'd definitely consider a replacement frame, but can't seem to find anything around at the mo,

There is a 1992 explosif knocking about (I'd consider an upgrade). But from the sentimentality point of view I'm really keen on it being a 92' Kona...


Thanks Jon - I'll try Kevin too.

If you attachement to this frame is purely that it's a Kona from that year, then scrap it and spend your money on another one.
If you're attached to that particular frame then it may be worth getting it looked at.
Saying that, it looks pretty nasty. If that tube has gone there, what are the ones around the bb shell going to be like?
Ted James is the boy in my opinion,
His attention to detail and hands on approach does it for me :) .
Re: Re:

makster":2y4uja5b said:
If you attachement to this frame is purely that it's a Kona from that year, then scrap it and spend your money on another one.
If you're attached to that particular frame then it may be worth getting it looked at.
Saying that, it looks pretty nasty. If that tube has gone there, what are the ones around the bb shell going to be like?

DIFFICULT..I'm really attached to it but there comes a price where it gets silly to continue, especially if I can get a better bike for much less money.

Thanks for all names do far; I'll see what I can get...
Hope you get sorted,i would be gutted if my frame ended up snapped..
Makes me wonder what mines like on the inside..
a new downtube at argos in Bristol is £110. Then you'll obviously need it painted it too

that price is for Reynolds 725, which is probably a nicer tube than the frame is made of, so all round winner

not a lot of frame builders quote this kind of info online, so this is a useful guide
although I'd be inclined to argue that once it's repaired, and repainted, it'll never be quite the same frame again.

I'd hang it on the wall as it is and build up something new, knowing that that frame gave everything it had for you.

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