Can anyone identify this possibility Russian bike?

Excellent, Tashkent and Samarkand have always been high on my list, haven't quite gotten that far yet.

I have been to three Central Asian countries and Uzbekistan has been my favourite, there are several cities worth a visit including getting down to Termez for some ancient ruins and to look across the border at Afghanistan.
Without wanting to hijack your thread, as a trained archaeologist I've always been obsessed with the sites on the Oxus a.k.a Amu Darya river, such as Ai Khanum.
Without wanting to hijack your thread, as a trained archaeologist I've always been obsessed with the sites on the Oxus a.k.a Amu Darya river, such as Ai Khanum.

There are similar age ruins near Termez that you can visit and look wistfully across the Oxus towards Afghanistan from.

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