campagnolo front mech band??


Dirt Disciple
hello all,
im new to this game so excuse me if this turns out to be a stupid question, ive picked up a raleigh team ti 531 frame and am attempting to dress it up in period super record bits. nearly all the front mechs ive seen appear to be of the braise on type, problem is my frame doesnt have this mount fitted so was wondering if a period metal band is available to mount this onto? thanks and sorry in advance. (frame appears to take 27.0 post if this makes a difference?)
You should be able to find plenty of band-on front mechs from that period, it was the most common fitting and because most frames were steel, they were standard diameter of 28.6mm.
band on mech

thanks for that, my main point of ref so far has been ebay which isnt always ideal but always seems to be the easiest option. will keep my eyes open for band on version 28.6. cheers