Wanted Campagnola long cage rear mech 8 speed

I have a NOS Mirage 8spd one somewhere, but if you're not fussy any Campag 8/9/10 spd long cage will work with 8spd, I have used several 9/10 spd ones and they work perfectly. Jockey wheels are the same as is the cable pull if using Ergo levers or indexed downtube shifters.
Apologies for delay getting back to you. I would like £65 posted.
Here are some photos: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bvpsucpbr5uohunc2utc3/h?rlkey=q94aub9fxjyztzf2bd5om5ogw&dl=0
Technically it's medium cage not long, but I have used identical mechs with a 53/42/32 and 13-28 cassette and there is loads of capacity, so not even sure why the true long cage version was even made (I have only seen one 10spd version) as the mechs max out at 28/29T and there's no more demanding front combo than the 53/42/32...
Best, Hutch