Campag Shamal 12 HPW


Retro Guru
Hi so I just bought a bike with some of these on. Can anyone tell me what they're worth, prices seem very variable. Too late to be of interest to me.

8 speed campag freehub, clinchers, stickers don't say 'titanium'. Look in decent condition.
A quick check on ebay completed listings suggest a range of £100-£150. Of course, if the wheels are in excellent condition and/or someone needs a set right NOW, you could get more.

Thanks DSH - I did look at Ebay and I think the clincher sets get more than this, as do the 12 spokers.

A thin market though, hard to say...
Ohhps, I missed that they were clinchers, you are right they do go for a little more...but makes me wonder why on earth would anyone want a clincher version: are they not heavy enough as it is!