calling all retro DH folk!


Dirt Disciple
Hey fancy riding your retro dh rig???
follow the link!

Fort Bill World Cup 2008- Cow Bells and Fluro Lycra Wanted
Written by Doug Cook
We got the latest update from the folks at Rare towers and this ones a cracker, you might even be able to help them on if you have a bit of fluro lycra in your cuboards!!

100th Downhill celebrated in Fort William
The 100th UCI World Cup downhill will take place in Fort William this year. The first governing body organised Downhill took place in 1993 and was won by a certain Nicolas Vouilloz, then a junior – who could probably still get into the top 10 these days.
The winner of the 1993 World Cup Series was Jurgen Beneke (GER) and the 1993 World Champion was Mike King.
So, an even bigger celebration this year, including some special prizes for the winners and a commemorative T-shirt available from the merchandising stand.
And what better way to celebrate than this......
As part of the celebrations of the 100th World Cup downhill, we’d like someone to forerun the Fort William World Cup course on a 1993 bike, wearing 1993 clothing (fluo lycra anyone?).

If you are man/woman enough for the job and have got a classic bit of bike kit in your garage, get in touch with the World Cup Team at