Buttercrambe Aftermath


Retrobike Rider
Well, were back from buttercrambe, the weather has been great today but the heavy rains and storms have made the route very tough indeed, flood waters had engulfed the trails, fallen trees, cracked bridges, it was in quite a state.
However us been hardy mountain biking Gods we took it all in our stride and a good time was had by all. Punctures were the side order of the day and Mr may suffered the worst, his anger building with every hawthorn bush we passed :LOL:
Big thanks to everyone that turned up today and thanks to chris for his map reading skills and getting us around safely with no offs!
The next ride will be keldy/Cropton and i hope to see you all there.
Lastly find below a few pictures taken from today, please feel free to add some yourselves, James.

Some Abbey

Some views

Some Mud

Some floods

Some F'ing U brakes

Thanks to everyone brave enough to attend. Conditions were slightly better than Wetwang but still tough going.
Proper winter mtbing I reckon!

Roll on Cropton in February :D