Sunday the 20th of May RetroBike ride from Wendover Bucks
Ride details:
Meet time is 10:30am for a prompt 11:00am start.
We meet at Wendover library car park (The car park is to the east of the High Street about half way along).
The nature of the ride will depend on both the trail conditions and to accommodate the needs of less able riders. As the intention is to make the ride enjoyable for riders of all abilities, I will include the occasional technical section, which will be optional.
Helmets should be worn.
A lunch stop is planned for between 1 and 2pm at the White Lion at St Leonards who serve meals and sandwiches. There may be other refreshment stops at either the Cafe in the Woods or the Old Swan at Lee Gate.
The ride should finish about five o'clock with the option of retiring to the Red Lion in Wendover, maybe a short evening ride afterwards.
This ride will take place even if heavy rain is forecast