BSA Tour de France special Edition?


Retro Guru
Hi we've got this in the workshop just in the process of getting it running again, running not restored, stickers on the frame are as title wondering if anyone knows anything about it?


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I restored an older model back in the 80s with a 4 speed freewheel. I hope the geometry's still the same, it was a lovely ride. Can't tell you much else I'm afraid.
everytime I go in the work shop I see this thing and everytime I see it it makes me want to do a proper restoration that little bit more, so I think I'll be getting it resprayed/ powdercoated, get some new decals made up, wheels need new spokes at the very least as they have seized, hubs seem fine don't know if i can save the rims yet, and probably a new BB required, what do you all reckon is it worth it :D

The bike is nothing special, Hi Ten frame low quality components it's never going to set the world on fire. I'd put it's value at around £70-£80 in good condition, put it on Ebay after restoration and you may get silly money for it but I'd be surprised if you got more than £100 personally.

However if you wish to keep the bike and it is because you love the way it looks and rides then I suppose it would be worth it, but I'd put the money to something of better quality if I were you.

Nice workshop though! What is it's function? Bicycle workshop? There look to be some quality MTB's in there.
Tel":3usxrjpx said:

The bike is nothing special, Hi Ten frame low quality components it's never going to set the world on fire. I'd put it's value at around £70-£80 in good condition, put it on Ebay after restoration and you may get silly money for it but I'd be surprised if you got more than £100 personally.

However if you wish to keep the bike and it is because you love the way it looks and rides then I suppose it would be worth it, but I'd put the money to something of better quality if I were you.

Nice workshop though! What is it's function? Bicycle workshop? There look to be some quality MTB's in there.

what he said.

its a BSO at best. Sorry...
I'll clean it up get it running and leave it at tht then, the workshops a council thing- we get donated bikes that we get roadworthy and then sell on for next to nothing to people that can't afford to buy new bikes as a way of encouraging more people to get out on their bikes, and to be honest the only good bikes that ever really go in there are mine, but I'm keeping my eyes open!
go to whomever deals with recycling at your local council and the peeps at the local police and ask what happens the the bikes they receive

play the charity card and see what falls out the tree
I have just picked up a Tour de France simply because this was the first race bike I owned back in around 75-76'ish the only difference is the bike I have picked up is silver and mine back in the day was orange, I would be grateful for any info or contacts that I could use as I'm a relative novice...Cheers
to be honest I've gone no further with this one at the moment but I did find a forum for raleigh/bsa owners when I was looking but didn't really have a proper look to see if it'd be of any use as the guys on here seem pretty good..