Broadband provider recommendations - BT Infinity?

Not sure about changing line rental but need unlimited bb. Mrs HM uses I player for films and dross.
Im not a fan of BT. Had to have them twice and it was twice as much money as any other SP ive ever used.
my 2p -

We have Infinity - absolute nightmare to get it installed - wasted 5 days waiting for the engineer to call - not happy and I shall not be typing what I said to the BT person in India here. I only hope she did not understand exactly what I called her and her firm, really I owe her an apology. I really cannot work out how net speeds work - our internet seems the same as my mothers which is not Infinity.

I think I would change provider so I will be watching here with some interest. One last point, our package has a limit on downloads which we seem to get near each month but have not, as yet, gone over. I would like a computer person to look at our household set up as we have - 2 iPhones, 1 iPad, 1 lappy and 2 desktops - I have to presume this causes some slow speeds but I do not know enough about it all to say.

Mr History, I hope you are keeping well, I have not been around due to work associated work! The 72 to 84 hour weeks end in January and hopefully things will get back to normal. Oh, and my next weekend off is the 3rd January 2015 - not happy!!!

Long time eh TGR?

been reading other reviews and may just sit on my hands for now. If it ain't broke? I pay £18 for unlimited broadband with aol and if i don't opt for a line rental switch the price is competitive despite the misleading advertising that only quotes rates without the additional cost.


I will check what we pay and report. The limit might be a prob if you watch movies etc as the BT guide seems to say you only get a few hours per month.

Depending on your mobile coverage, a dongle might be an option and use 3G etc. might be cheaper and less hassle.

We're unlimited on plusnet, whole phone and broadband package is under £20, and even tho we're still on copper speed is ok for watching iplayer. Some connection speed is lost if a few things on WiFi at once, but that can be got around with direct connects for media and also using powerline adapters for other rooms.
Took me longer to find out than expected. Apparently, the BT bill is about £49 per month - this includes line rental and BT Infinity. Seems expensive compared to above.


I dumped BT - they were charging for "additional usage" when I was supposed to be on unlimited.
Their best offer was still 50% more than Sky.
And I'm not a fan of Sky - but their product and service is pretty hard to fault - and far better value than BT

My BT contract is up today!
Monday morning I'll be on the phone to Sky. Expensive, crap service, expensive, frequent outages, expensive,and the last straw is no more Yahoo mail service. I now have to access my Emails through regular web pages on my phone, and you can't follow links. It's like the 20th century again.