Broadband provider recommendations - BT Infinity?

The History Man

Retrobike Rider
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Overbury's Fan
Should change. Been with aol for 11 years. No issues just expensive.

BT infinity deal looks good. Any pros/cons or other suggestions?

Not a gamer or heavy user. Iplayer, bit of iTunes and regular internet.

I was with AOL for nearly 20 years but just got too expensive so swapped for BT at a lot less cash. Speed is the same because out here in the sticks it's just copper.

Be prepared for an avalanche of calls from AOL asking you to stay and being shirty about the transfer code.


Don't do it !

Went from normal broadband to Infinity, had nothing but trouble. Was slower than non-infinity. The call centres were useless, being answered by people my partner couldn't understand owing to their accent and not listening to her problems. She speaks the clearest English I know. Thankfully it didn't last long as Mrs Muz moved in and we got SKY.
Easy people to deal with as we had a problem once, owing to a power cut re-setting the tv to another input source.
I'll never go back to BT

BT charged me for infinity for a few years,only to find out that because of where i live ,it doesn't benefit me..I have now changed to Sky for telephone and broadband..alot cheaper.

As much as I wish it wasn't true another +1 for Sky here. As long as you have a few of the other bits the unlimited internet costs very little and can quite often be had for free. It's reasonably quick and reliable + the customer services are more often then not extremely good.

First six months was 1/2 price too , which helped me buy higher grade bike related tat :LOL:
I did get the phone line and tv with them too though
Re: ... ction-2013
Might be Plusnet for the win then, so BT after all!

We use BT Infinity here, 70+ Mbps from day one and zero outages. Lots of extras actually worth having too.

When they put it in they were offering a refund on line installation so took the chance for a gratis second telephone line installation.

Never needed to use customer services lately, but I would point out I have always found call centres in India and such to have higher standards in English than most UK based ones. Probably to do with people being well paid there and thus motivated rather than the sort working in the UK ones, who failed the exam for stacking trollies at Tesco.

We still have Talk Talk out at the farm, and Virgin and Sky in London.

My mobile data is Three, and so excellent I would be perfectly happy with that as my only connection.

Amazing what a difference from twenty years ago. Truly amazing..
Swapped from BT to plusnet and service from the peeps on the phone is spot on and no problem with the broadband, BT weren't happy when we left and tried to claim all sorts, which was just guff.