Brake Boosters - do they ACTUALLY work?

AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand for the record:

My Fuji flexs like a git, espesh the alu forks - so, IF I wanted to improve the braking, I'd fit a booster on the front.

My GT looks at me as if to WTF are you up to you weirdo!

My Pubjumper has nothing to say...

so we're saying that it doesn't matter that my rear stays flex like buggery without a booster when stationary as it's what's happening whilst in motion that matters and on that front (probably not the right word here!) the booster will make no difference?
My Kona Explosif stays flex like b*ggery when I test the XTR V-brakes in the garage... but it's never bothered me enough on the trail to do anything about it.

I can always lock up which is plenty good enough.

That said... I have a Salsa booster kicking about which I was given, unfortunately it has no bolts which is another reason I've never even tried to fit it.
I am confused here?? :?

Rear, yes, a worthwile addition.

Front, no.

Am I right????????
my this thread is going on a tad ;) :LOL:
fairly simple, if you notice the flex they're worth it (as they'll mostly cure it). if not, you can live without them ;)
Unless you have wibbly forks. And even then the bonus they give to you is in feel probably, not outright power. I don't know of anything so wibbly that the brakes are unable to lock.

Unless there's some exotic retro frame out there made of cooked macaroni.
I had a 1994 kona lava dome, and the rears flexed like i dont know what, the brake pads looked like bananas, so when i fitted one, it stoped the studs from pushing outwards, defonately worth it on the back
scant":1nfuy4kd said:
fairly simple, if you notice the flex they're worth it (as they'll mostly cure it). if not, you can live without them ;)

Thank you.

The end ;)
tintin40":1b3on856 said:
even with out 'boosters' i can lock the rear wheel up with one finger on a steep decent with Maguras. So why fit a booster? Any more is not needed. May be thats why they are rim crushers :D

i use boosters with my maguras.

Although you can lock up with your little finger without a booster, if you fit a booster to them it stops them feeling like they need to be bled! :LOL:
Boosters change the "feel" of the brake by reducing frame flex.

But aren't we all forgeting the limiting factor is the tyres grip? Once the wheel is locked it makes no difference. Just my thoughts
