Boulder Bicycle Defiant?

I've scanned the technical manual for the frame, and I'm waiting to hear from a mod about putting it in the Gallery and Archive under "Boulder". Rather than copy it out, there will be some more info for you there.
I'd recommend not drifting out the swingarm spindle and oilite bushes unless you're replacing them. It's all pressed together and won't take kindly to being pressed apart and pressed back together again.
Shock is pretty self explanatory if you've got this far. Fill with 5w oil until is just covers the bare spring. There are two small dowels inside the top-tube that locate on one end of the spring. Be careful not to damage them. This holds the spring in place whilst you wind on the shock eyelet to adjust preload. Needless to say, relax all preload before removing the shock unless you're happy with it jack-in-the-boxing into your face...
Air shock saves 1/2lb and is more tunable, but more fiddly.
Eureka. I finally got the broken seat post out of the frame. Tried all kinds of solvents, then heat, nothing. Then I drilled it out with a 26mm bit (which is the closest I had). Worked fine. As you guys predicted, the seat post is 28.6. Any ideas for a good, lightweight replacement? I do not see many available without setbacks.

Perseverance paid off! Good work.

For a seatpost; it all depends on what you are going for. Are you looking to keep the bike period correct? If so a Suntour XC pro seatpost would be nice (and it would match your grouppo). Other nice period posts would be Shimano, IRC, Syncros, American Classic, etc.

If originality doesn't matter that much to you a Origin 8 makes a decent (and economical) post.

I did not read Elite post until after I dismantled the bike. Fortunately, I did not have a spring pop out in my face and the spindle axle was fairly easy to remove. Here are the latest group of photos. Decided to do a complete re-paint, so please folks, do not get upset I removed original paints and decals.

I found a good source to replicate decals and already order exact replicas.

Anyone with an embossed headbadge who wants to help me recreate one, please let me know.

Anyone with tips on rebuilding fork shocks, let me know. I see manual instructions. Do I need any special tools?

Notice, serial number on bottom of frame is different from rear suspension. Not sure if this is typical.


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Some photos of the frame stripped. Just need a little fine sanding now before paint.

Anyone have advice on paint? Should I prep the metal with anything like rust inhibitor before paint? I was thinking of trying to spray it myself with Rustoleum spray cans.


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Yikes! Always a sad sight to see original paint crinkle up and die. Though I probably would have repainted that frame as well.

Interesting to see your frame number on the bottom bracket shell. Is there a number on the swing arm?

What are your plans for colors?

Also, let us know about reproduction decals. I will also need a set very soon.
I know it looks awful removing original paint but there were enough scratches with rust and plus it's really my girlfriend's bike from her basement. She was going to throw it out until I saw it. And once she/we saw how nice you guys refinished these Boulder Bikes we got into a full redo. She requested a white color.

The LOGO DECAL font is - Bookmania bold italic. After much searching, I found an awesome company to replicate the decals... You can create them with their easy to use online program wizard that leads you through the steps, but I couldn't figure out what the font was (they have so many to choose from) that I wrote the company. Quick response from a super nice guy [email protected] and my new decals are done and on the way to me.

Since you guys said I have a gazelle, I made that one too. Check it out.

I need help replicating the badge. Is there anyone who has an embossed one on their bike like these photos? If so, I will send you the material dentists use for making a mold (my GF works in a dental office) and if you could press it on and send it back to me I will be able to replicate the badge perfectly. Here are some photos of badges I saw on this site that would help me.


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Hi Guys, hope you all had a good weekend. I spent a little time sanding the rust off the frame. What do you think? Ready for paint or powdercoat or...


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