Bottom bracket removal?

coke works well in this situation (some say diets better but i dont know)
it eats rust and breaks down oxides
and its easier to get than plusgas
wilkij1975":z2oue914 said:
Just been to the lbs and it would seem that whoever fitted the bb put it on the wrong way ie the drive side bb screwed the wrong way into the non drive side on the frame! He suggested a few ways to shift it but any suggestions welcom.

I find that very hard to belive.

The RH chainset side is left hand thread, the othger is common RH thread.

It would take immmense effort to be able to screw in the cups so they cut their own thread and to get tehm in parallel.

post photos of both cups - pretty sure the differ slightly so should be able to tell which cup is which.

anyway, back to your problem. they can be a real bugger to get out, as you have found, especially in a steel frame.

make a cup from plasticene or tape around the BB, put fram on side and soak with plus gas - not wd40 but proper release agent. take a scriber or sharp point and run it between frame BB and cup to breka the seal between the two.

do that for a few days.

use proper tool either in a vice (think which way you need to turn the frame) and turn the frame or on an extension bar making sure the tool cannot slip as that is how the cup can be knacekred up (andf it can damage the tool, no need to ask how I know that) - maybe get a friend to help.

you can apply heat to the frame - a blow torch can take ti up to 200 C but don't go too high if the frame is brazed or the paint starts to blister.

failing that, the cups are from hardened steel so can be smashed - never had to do that myself but apparently it can be done. I would try to grind away part of the threaded cups it to weaken it using a dremel rather than beat the crap out of it hoping it will smash.

you can alwasy take it to LBS.

good luck - let us know how you got it out.
Man 1 bb 0!!!

I took all your advise and got the bb off this evening. I sprayed it for the last few days with plusgas, bolted my tool on and turned it in a vice and off it came first time! Propper happy!

Again, thanks all for the advice.