YES!!! Man, I'm so happy to have won this BOTM, especially with this bike! Thank you so much to those who voted for it, I really appreciate it. There were some great bikes for this months contest so really didn't think my Traverse would take it. But thank you for the appreciation of it. I do feel a bit bad inasmuch as I didn't have to spend hours restoring this bike unlike some of the other entries. It's as it left the shop 28 years ago. APART FROM THE GRIPS! Yes the previous owner changed them and I thought I'd leave them on. When I find some worthy replacements I'll swap them out.
I found this bike on gumtree about 3 years ago. The ad was just for a Saracen mountain bike with really awful pictures taken with a phone in a dark room. I paid £100 for it and drove from London to Sheffield to get it. The guy selling it had bought it from a friend who'd never used it. It really is mint. I got the seller to send me some more photos of it then outside and I set off to collect it the next morning. I do sometimes worry about my carbon foot print driving to buy bikes that far away....
I used to race a 1990 saracen traverse comp when I was a teenager. I loved that bike and really tricked it out. It was the same size and DX (albeit black DX) spec as this one. I bought a tatty 1992 Marin Eldridge Grade about 3 and a half years ago. That started the Retro mtb bug. I started looking for another 1990 Saracen Traverse Comp and while searching for that I found this one. So this 92 Traverse was the first bike in my 'collection'. I now have about 35 bikes. I'm trying to get them down to 12, 10 hanging on the wall, one in use and one in the work stand being restored. I'm continually going through all my bikes trying to work out which ones make the cut. My Breezers, Roberts, clockwork and Lavoie Titanium are no brainers. But for me this bike always gets included in the keep list. I love it and it's the closest I have to my original bike from back in the day. I'm so chuffed this lovely little blue collar bike has got the recognition I think it deserves and won BOTM.
So thanks again for those that voted. It means a lot.