Retrobike Rider
BoTM Triple Crown
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98+ BoTM Winner
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Congrats on the win. Great story behind it too

Ductape":3thkkkwu said:I have to admit, I am blown away from all the votes. After I posted, the bike stirred up very little discussion. That project was one of the most gratifying I have ever been a part of, mainly because it kinda gave my son the vintage bug. A fun father son project. He was worried I would be upset the first time he scratched it. I assume just because of the attention to detail while we were putting it together. When I look at it, I see so many good stories. The time I asked him to use the grinder to grind down the extra threads on the seat post QR so they were flush. I came home later that evening and the job was only half done. When I inquired as to why, my son looked at me and stated, he was afraid to get the bike any closer to the grinder (he will be embarrassed I acknowledged this story), Getting a set of purple CBR cranks on Ebay only to find a crack. Heck, teaching him how to set up an Ebay search for that matter. Researching perfect decal placement and then patiently getting them right on. The long search for the Grafton brakes. The thrill of the completed project and watching him race the bike. That was the best. Thanks all.