Sooo much awesomeness :shock: I don't normally have trouble casting my vote, there's usually just 1 or 2 that really stand stand out at me, but this month...
EDIT: Had to go for the one I most want to own, surprisingly, not one of the GT's, parhaps I should have a bit of a clearout of my collection :?
I want to vote for the purple GT but it's not listed!
I agree with all the people complaining about the quality of picture taking! That's an unfair advantage so I will vote for the blurriest photo (with the flat tyre to boot!)....stauqmuk's GT STS.
Thanks to all for the surprisingly easy advice on how to choose the BOTM.
Ditto - I rapidly scroll up and down through the list to see which catches my eye and this one just does it for me every time; and I don't usually like the older Konas!