BoTM April 2K+8 - get your nominations in

It looks great how it is. Maybe green cranks would be a slight overkill. Personal preference though really.
Personally, i don't think replicas should even be allowed in this competition. Its not because of the price or anything like that, IMO they are not what this site is about. They lack creativity, its really just looking at a picture and hunting ebay to reproduce it. I think this whole retro thing is about putting together the slickist most original bike from BITD. Coming up w/ the right color combos, figuring out whats over kill and whats not, and executing YOUR vision, & not what sponsers handed out in 92.
fluffhead":1dcdzcbh said:
Personally, i don't think replicas should even be allowed in this competition. Its not because of the price or anything like that, IMO they are not what this site is about. They lack creativity, its really just looking at a picture and hunting ebay to reproduce it. I think this whole retro thing is about putting together the slickist most original bike from BITD. Coming up w/ the right color combos, figuring out whats over kill and whats not, and executing YOUR vision, & not what sponsers handed out in 92.

Fair nuff. I see your point. I've done both, and I appreciate both.

Lets see some of your builds.
fluffhead":gshxyi49 said:
Personally, i don't think replicas should even be allowed in this competition. Its not because of the price or anything like that, IMO they are not what this site is about. They lack creativity, its really just looking at a picture and hunting ebay to reproduce it. I think this whole retro thing is about putting together the slickist most original bike from BITD. Coming up w/ the right color combos, figuring out whats over kill and whats not, and executing YOUR vision, & not what sponsers handed out in 92.

How about a race replica BOTM comp with owner in full replica race kit, should be colourful.
REKIBorter":3khq1ceg said:
fluffhead":3khq1ceg said:
Personally, i don't think replicas should even be allowed in this competition. Its not because of the price or anything like that, IMO they are not what this site is about. They lack creativity, its really just looking at a picture and hunting ebay to reproduce it. I think this whole retro thing is about putting together the slickist most original bike from BITD. Coming up w/ the right color combos, figuring out whats over kill and whats not, and executing YOUR vision, & not what sponsers handed out in 92.

How about a race replica BOTM comp with owner in full replica race kit, should be colourful.

I think this is a good idea, but Rumpfy will win.

I agree w/ you it definitly lacks creativity, and I really thinks it takes you out of the bike.
Oh well here goes, my first BOTM entry. Its my 1990 Concorde, a rare beast on here. Full NOS XT 730 and a smattering of ti to keep the weight in check on this one. Great little steed this one and well suited to the routes around home. There are some more pics and a full spec on readers wives

Spec and more info here...


Dr S":z8xx48d0 said:
Oh well here goes, my first BOTM entry. Its my 1990 Concorde, a rare beast on here. Full NOS XT 730 and a smattering of ti to keep the weight in check on this one. Great little steed this one and well suited to the routes around home.

Is this Radjetoe his old ride?,..looks nice!

What is the final entry date by the way?