Bored of boring unsightly pylons?

i dont think they're that noisy either, dont see a problem, my best mate, managed to stop one by mistake, he went to check up on something inside one, and opened up a panel door, (which said do not open unless.. which he didnt read) and tripped the emergency brake, thus causing it to stop, lol, quite interesting inside, but i would love to climb up inside one to the top.
Wind farms aren't in the least bit special - the horrible things (and associated roads and pylons) are plastered over every spare inch of the Highlands. You can't look in any direction without seeing them... and for what? Their output is laughable when you consider the area they blight, and in any case we have been generating huge amounts of renewable energy for half a century and more thanks to the Hydro schemes (these have their own issues obviously!)

I'm not against renewables (quite the opposite) but tidal currents are a far more viable renewable energy source; predictable and with a much better energy density (so fewer turbines required)

The main reason they've not been exploited up till now is that almost nobody has been interested in funding the development of suitable turbines, preferring to make easy money from wind power... that is slowly starting to change now, but it still annoys me that every school in the area is sprouting an awful looking, noisy (and they ARE noisy up close when in operation), draughty wind turbine...
yes wind turbines are noisy but for the purpose they serve for the time being they look good
they couldve made them 'orrible black looking things or something but i think they are just what they need to be, no more no less.
at least until as you say someone invests in tidal power then theyre not all bad
current pylons dont look very good but serve a purpose

form over function is not the case
The ones currently springing up at council run buildings here are black and very ugly indeed... I'm not 100% against wind power, it has a place... but huge wind farms plastered everywhere are not that place.

Hmm. I do seem to be quite grumpy today :)
Those are really good. Would look quite freaky through, striding across the landscape...
I'm relieved they aren't in the slightest Gormley though. If they were they'd have a 9 foot c*ck swinging around in the breeze.
Roly":qtofjj6f said:
I'm relieved they aren't in the slightest Gormley though. If they were they'd have a 9 foot c*ck swinging around in the breeze.

but at least we'd have somewhere to sit under when it rained :oops: