Boot sale find benotto 2500: gravelly buildy thingy

Haven’t had an update in a while, but I’ve buy some profile Tri bars on it and a lovely crusty rolls saddle.

I haven’t actually ridden it at all actually, this month is going to be very busy…
Brilliant story a hope it has a happy ending fair cheered me up get in aboot it I have feeling the yellow pearl is going tae be a keeper.
Right so a while I’ve had an update, so still rocking it’s rusty yellow paintjob.

So instead of powdercoating it illusion pink which would be bling central, I’m going to go for a black/dark blue metallic gloss sort of powder. Good job there’s a powdercoater less than 200m up the road!(he does it all for about £75 + I have to pay for the powder as it’s easier)

Tyres are literally disintegrating, hence why I’ve been wary to use it. So off to buy new ones

I really didn’t like the 105 aero pedals, the clips were broken and I didn’t just want to balance on a tiny triangle if I removed them. So I scored some sexy red time magnesium clipless pedals for £0.99😎 (but I also need to get the cleats as well..)

Still going to use the rolls saddle, it’s comfy and matches. I do have a turbo but that’s doesn’t look anywhere near as good.

I’ve been on the fence about handlebars, to cut or not to cut? I’m going to leave them for now as they’re perfectly fine as is.

I’m going to try and score a campag chainset, reason below

And I think I’m going to go single speed, as I think it’ll look cleaner and it’ll be lighter. All I’ll do is get an ss chainset and leave the chain on the smallest cog because I’m a tight and lazy bugger.

And I need some frame repairs because I can literally spin the lower headset cup around 360 with my bare hands.

Oh also some campy brakes, but that can wait I think.(wait no I’ve got some xenon I can polish up)
I wish I had a powdercoater up the road from me who charged £75! Seems where I live (Sheffield), they can't even be bothered to do bike frames because it's too small a job, and the ones who do are only contactable via smoke-signal or something...😖

Anyway, looking forward to seeing how this comes out. The colour choice sounds nice.
Teaser picture..


I’ve been putting off taking it for powder coating but, will probably be doing it this month. In an illusion cherry. With white cable outers, the promised blue decals and some very, very shiny silver parts

And of course the time pedals😁

Stay tuned..