Bontrager Road Lite - Original or Modern


Did you intentionally ask this question in the MTB section?
If asked in the Road section I'd imagine the very notion of an American road bike would have them huffin' and puffin' a fair bit...
Im amazed a MOD hasn't jumped around spitting feathers and simply "Deleted" the entire post altogether.

To be fair it happened before.

The reason I asked this question in the ATB/MTB section is very simple but dual aspect.

Firstly, the members and readers of this site have, in my humble opinion, a deeper understanding of the place that Bontrager bikes have in the history of cycling and the emotions they evoke.

The same strength of emotion is not present in the road cycling community, when evaluating Bontrager.

Secondly, The essence of my post was Retro versus Modern/Update rather than ATB versus Road.

My opinion, this post is legitimate.

To be Honest this was My sentiment Exactly. There is a grey Area with brands that are more universally renowned for Mountain Bikes.

And there is NEVER a need to Delate an Entire Post anyway, Im sure there is a "MOVED" signal, that can be used and has been.

And whilst Mods have a Job to to Do, Politeness Costs Nothing IMHO, and NOR does sending an email to discuss, before a Lengthy Post should be deleted.